Finding your way around Fertility Associates
When you’re new to something, it’s good to know where to get the inside track. Whether you're looking for essential information on what happens next; information about our services; valuable resources; or just want an easy way to get in touch with us, this is your one-stop destination. We're here to make your experience with us as seamless and convenient as possible.
Getting started
So, you’ve had your first consult with your specialist and now you have a plan. Congratulations on taking the first step!
Your Fertility Associates specialist will have discussed options for you, based on your age, medical history and any associated risks. You may also have discussed fees and costs or eligibility for public funding.
Your personalised action plan will look at what treatment you want to begin with and when you want to begin treatment.
Salve app
Downloading our patient Salve app before you start your treatment gives you a convenient place for all your information. Salve allows you to:
- keep track of your appointments
- stay on top of your medication (and reminders)
- get quick answers - secure messaging with your clinic team
- useful fertility treatment information, with downloadable fact sheets
- your treatment information all in one place - all of your documents and letters, for easy reference.

How do I download the Salve app?
Download through the App store or Google Play store. When prompted, enter the code for your clinic location:
Auckland 77a787 |
Hamilton HA7087 |
Wellington WL7498 |
Tauranga Ta7525 |
Christchurch ch7290 |
Dunedin du7315 |
We will message you via Salve with your results on the day you have blood tests and scans.
If you would rather receive results differently, please let your team know. It is important you reply promptly to messages once you have received them. If you have further questions, please speak to your nursing team.
Getting your results via Salve
We will message you via Salve with your results on the day you have blood tests and scans.
If you would rather receive results differently, please let your team know. It is important you reply promptly to messages once you have received them. If you have further questions, please speak to your nursing team.
How we contact each other
Contacting you
It is important that during your treatment cycle we can contact you by phone to give you information and relay instructions about next steps. Please ensure that:
- we have your current mobile phone number and other daytime phone numbers where you are comfortable for us to contact you;
- you say your name on your voicemail recording so we know that it’s you, if we need to leave you a message;
- you check your phone regularly for messages and instructions.
Contacting us
In the morning, most of the nurses are busy with patients and procedures so they may not get back to you immediately. To contact your nurse, please leave a message via Salve, or leave a voice message. When leaving a voice message for your nurse, please ensure you leave clear details with your name, contact number and date of birth.
Alternatively, you can select the phone menu option to speak to a nurse from our NZ-wide Nurse Liaison Team.
If you require an urgent response, please talk to our reception team.
We will provide additional medication as required throughout your cycle. Please see the nurses after your scan to collect more medication. Note that some medication needs to be kept cool, so please refer to the storage instructions provided with each medication issued.
It’s helpful to record usage of your medication. This helps us to gauge how much additional medication you need to collect at the clinic. If you suspect you do not have enough medication before your next booked appointment, please let us know as soon as possible to allow sufficient time for dispensing.
Due to pharmaceutical storage requirements, we are unable to accept returns of any surplus medication dispensed.
Important: please do not stop or alter any medications unless instructed by a nurse.
Blood tests
The repeating blood form provided by your nurse should be used for early morning blood tests at your local Labtests clinic. If you are booked for a scan at your clinic please ensure you have your blood test in the morning before coming to the clinic.
Timing of results
We normally start to communicate the first blood results in the afternoon, after 2pm. Please be patient, even if you are anxious about a result - your call will be returned before the end of the day.
Occasionally blood results are delayed in getting to us and we may still be receiving results late into the afternoon. Please call us if you have not heard from us by 4.30pm on a weekday or 3pm on a weekend, (our weekend closing hours vary between 2-3pm).
Each cycle comes with a complimentary counselling session and these can be invaluable in helping to develop coping strategies and giving an understanding of what’s ahead, so that you can be better prepared. Treatment can be stressful at times and other life events may occur during your treatment. You can book your counselling session here.
We also have a lot of resources available on the website in our Wellness hub. We hope that you will find the information useful in preparing for pregnancy as well as in learning strategies for making the fertility journey easier.
What else can I find in patient hub?
To find out about the practical aspects of an IVF cycle, go to What happens in IVF?
To find out what happens medically in an IVF cycle, go to Understanding the IVF cycle.
Where do I get blood tests - see the Blood tests page.
Keep on top of things emotionally and build your resilience though our Wellness space.
Learn how to eat well for a healthy pregnancy - see the Nutrition section.