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For women

Women can preserve their fertility by freezing eggs, embryos and ovarian tissue

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Egg freezing

Egg freezing

What is egg freezing?

Egg freezing is a great way to keep your options open for a later baby. As you age, the quality of your eggs declines, but when your eggs are frozen, their age is 'frozen in time'. If you're not in a position to try for a baby now, egg freezing may be an option to help preserve your fertility. It's also a great option if you just haven't met 'Mr Right'. More...


Fertility preservation if undergoing oncology treatment

Chemotherapy can sometimes impact fertility. Women can preserve their fertility before cancer and other treatments by freezing eggs, embryos and ovarian tissue if they face losing their fertility because of cancer treatment or another reason. More...

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When to seek advice early

  • If you have polycystic ovaries, endometriosis, or have been through a cancer diagnosis; we recommend you get in touch quickly so we can talk you through all your options and give you the greatest possible chance of success.
  • If you’re a single woman considering motherhood in the future; it’s best to approach us early and consider egg freezing as this can be an option for you while you have a higher ovarian reserve and healthier eggs.

Woman’s BMI below 19

Even in these modern times, nature knows best. If a woman's BMI falls below 19, the body senses famine and ovulation is switched off to prevent the risk of having a baby with malnutrition. Excessive exercise can reduce body fat and increase muscle mass to a point where periods cease for the same reason. Risk of miscarriage is also increased in women with a low BMI.

Being underweight

If a woman's BMI falls below 19, the body senses famine and ovulation is switched off to prevent the risk of having a baby with malnutrition. Excessive exercise can reduce body fat and increase muscle mass to a point where periods cease for the same reason. Risk of miscarriage is also increased in women with a low BMI.

BMI’s greater than 30

This can reduce fertility by 50%. Pregnancy for women with a 30+ BMI is often associated with problems such as maternal diabetes, high blood pressure, big babies and increased risk of caesarean section.

Add your height and weight to calculate your BMI