What is Family Builder?
Family Builder is a specialist IVF treatment package designed to enable patients to bank euploid embryos (a normal number of chromosomes). Embryos identified as euploid have a higher chance of leading to a successful pregnancy, and lower miscarriage rate.
we age, our eggs get older. Sometimes chromosomes don’t arrange
themselves properly and embryos form that may have misaligned chromosomes, or
fragmented chromosomal material. This is called aneuploidy.
Aneuploidy is the main cause of embryos not implanting, or miscarrying. Embryos
with chromosomes that form normally are called euploid.
Under the Family Builder package, you can choose to optimise your chances of a baby by testing the embryos through PGT testing, and then allowing us
to choose those embryos that have normal chromosomes.
This means that, especially for those for whom time is
limited, Family Builder optimises the chance of you being able to have the
number of children that you really want. To know more download our Family Builder brochure.

How Family Builder works
We have two different packages:
- Family Builder 2 (2 cycles of treatment)
- Family Builder Plus (3 cycles of treatment)
Family Builder 2 option:
Under this option, you proceed through a standard IVF cycle and eggs are retrieved as normal. After fertilisation, on day five or six of embryo development, depending on the speed at which the embryos develop, we biopsy all suitable embryos which are held for PGT-A, (Preimplantation Genetic Testing for Aneuploidy), testing. This is then repeated for subsequent cycles. At the end of the required number of cycles, the biopsy samples are tested. This package includes testing on up to nine biopsy samples.
Ideally under Family Builder 2 you would have at least three to four euploid embryos that are suitable for transfer, but that can vary based on your age.
If we don't get the expected number of euploid embryos from the first batch, we keep running the PGT-A tests until we have suitable embryos or run out of biopsy samples.
Family Builder Plus option:
Under this option you will have a third cycle of IVF treatment and the biopsy and testing process is repeated and the embryos are frozen. You may do a third cycle if you need to bank more embryos to get your ideal number of euploid embryos for transfer.
This package includes testing for up to 12 biopsy samples. Ideally under Family Builder Plus you will get at least five to seven euploid embryos that are suitable for transfer, but again that can vary from person to person based on age.
If we don’t get the expected number of euploid embryos from the first batch , we keep running the PGT-A tests until we have suitable embryos or run out of biopsy samples.
All the remaining euploid embryos from Family Builder 2 or Family Builder Plus remain frozen to be used at a later stage.
What is included?
Family Builder 2 covers two cycles, and Family Builder Plus covers three cycles of IVF with:
- Stage 1: Medication and monitoring
- Stage 2: Egg collection and embryology
- One doctor review consultation is included once the package completes to discuss next steps.
- Frozen embryo storage is covered for the first 6 months.
If required, we can include:
- ICSI - sperm microinjection
- TiMI - time lapse morphometry imaging, if we have sufficient capacity in the lab at the time of embryology.
ICSI and TiMI are complimentary for Fertility Cover and Family Builder packages, subject to availability. There is no refund if they are not used.
What’s not included?
- When you decide to use the embryos, the embryo transfer fee is applicable at that time.
- The PGT-A test does not include screening for gene disorders outside aneuploidy.
- If we have embryo biopsy samples that have not been tested because we have already identified the target number of euploid embryos, you may choose to have these tested as well – the fee for this is additional. You can see the current fees here.
The cost saving between using the Family Builder 2 package and having two cycles of treatment with PGT-A at our normal fees is around $7000 and for the Family Builder Plus package, around $8000.
The graphic below shows how many euploid embryos you may need to reach your ideal family size:

Family Builder fees
Age |
Family Builder 2** |
Family Builder Plus** |
34-35 |
$35,400 |
$42,600 |
36-37 |
$34,100 |
$41,400 |
38-39 |
$32,200 |
$37,500 |
>40 |
$30,900 |
$34,800 |
** Family Builder includes PGT-A on required number of embryos to reach target.
There is a significant cost saving using the Family Builder 2 package compared with having two regular IVF cycles of treatment with PGT-A at our normal 'pay as you go' rates. Similarly, the Family Builder Plus package delivers a more cost-effective option when compared with three regular IVF cycles at normal rates.
Any charges not listed as specifically included in the Family Builder information are excluded, as well as any additional charges outside of the standard IVF packages. Current prices can be found on the Treatment fees page of the website. Note that the embryo transfer fee is applicable at the time you decide to use the embryos.
Additional procedures may be recommended by your doctor, but this would be discussed with you in advance, for example:
- egg collection and embryology: additional charges may include AOA (artificial oocyte activation);
- if you require sedation with an anaesthetist;
- storage of embryos after the initial six month period.
If either you or your doctor decide during treatment that continued treatment will be unwise then we will calculate your account using our normal fees and refund the difference between your treatment costs and the Family Builder fee.
Good to know
What if there are excess embryos for PGT-A testing?
If there are excess embryos and you decide that you would like to have these tested, there would be an additional fee per embryo. See our fee schedule for current fees.
What if there are fewer euploid embryos?
Under Family Builder we would continue to test the biopsy samples available, but there is no guarantee you will achieve a minimum number of euploid embryos.
Counselling and support services:
Family Builder offers one free counselling appointment included in the package. One doctor consultation is also included if a cycle is discontinued or the outcome is unsuccessful. Additional consultations
with your doctor or counsellor are available per the current fee schedule.
What are my next steps?
Talk to your doctor to see if Family Builder is right for you. If so, talk to your local Clinic Manager who will talk through your options:
- Auckland: Antoinette Bradley (09) 925 5938
- Hamilton: Helen Mudgway (07) 839 2603
- Tauranga: Claudia Harding (07) 809 6555
- Wellington: Renee Ramakers (04) 384 8401
- Christchurch: Anna Osborn (03) 375 4000
- Dunedin: Steph Ducrot (03) 951 2402
If Family Builder is not right for you, you may also like to consider our Fertility Cover package.
Family Builder FAQs
Q. Can you switch from Family Builder Plus to Family Builder 2?
Yes - we refund the difference between the two.
Q. Can you switch from Family Builder 2 to Family Builder Plus?
Q. What happens if I get lots of embryos on the first cycle?
You can opt to transfer to 'pay as you go' as you may have sufficient euploid embryos available. You must make this decision before embryo testing.
Q. What if I don’t get the target number of euploid embryos?
Family Builder cannot guarantee a particular number of euploid embryos, however by doing two or three cycles you are maximizing the chances of getting euploid embryos.
Q. Why do we wait to send all biopsy samples at the end of the 2 or 3 cycles?
We batch the biopsy samples and run the samples from all cycles at the same time. This is more cost effective, which allows us to provide a discounted service under this package.
Q. Is embryo storage covered under Family Builder?
Yes – it's the same as standard IVF, for the first six months. You will be invoiced for storage after the initial six month period.
Can same sex couples participate in Family Builder?
Yes. One or both partners can use the total number of total cycles in your package, e.g., one cycle each under Family Builder 2. Donor sperm is an additional cost.
Q. Embryo banking process and timelines:
The timeframe for IVF cycles would be over about two months for Family Builder 2 and over about three months for Family Builder Plus. It would then be up to 4 weeks for the biopsy results to return.
Q. When do we start putting the embryos back?
Once you have completed the required number of cycles, and the required number of euploid embryos have been determined, (or we have run out of embryos to test), then we can start to transfer the embryos back.