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Treatment costs and payment options

Treatment fees from 15 October 2024

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Treatment costs

A Fertility Associates doctor or nurse can give you an individualised indication of what costs will be involved at each step of your treatment pathway - and if you have any questions along the way, please contact your nursing team who will be happy to talk it through with you.

At your first appointment a fertility doctor will outline your options and suggest a personalised treatment plan. They may also advise fertility tests at this time to help with diagnosis and treatment selection.

All fees are in NZ dollars and include gst.  Flexible payment options include cash; direct debit; credit card or Q Card.

You may also be eligible for publicly-funded treatment


First doctor consultation


Review consultation


Non attendance fee: this fee applies if the appointment is cancelled within one business day of the scheduled time or is not attended


Counselling consultation: one counselling consultation is complimentary per couple or individual (if single) as part of IVF or IUI treatment. Your complimentary counselling consultation can be used at any time during treatment, and within three months after treatment. Additional consultations are chargeable.


Dietitian consultations - Zoom / phone consult

First dietitian consultation for one (60 mins)

Dietitian follow-up consultation (30 mins)

Couple dietitian consultation (90 mins)

$260 (single)

$130 (single)

$395 (couple)


Your fertility doctor may advise tests to assist treatment selection


Pre-treatment diagnostic tests for her

AMH test – cost varies by area due to courier costs


Ultrasound scan


Saline ultrasound scan

from $980



Comprehensive genetic testing (566 genes)


ERA - Endometrial receptivity assay

fee includes test fee; courier; manufactured cycle and Pipelle biopsy


EMMA/ALICE analysis



Pre-treatment diagnostic tests for him

Semen analysis


Semen analysis & MAR


Trial sperm wash


SCSA for sperm DNA fragmentation


SCSA Plus - (semen analysis, MAR and SCSA)


Semen analysis, sperm freezing and six months storage


Comprehensive genetic testing (556 genes)


Surgical sperm retrieval (SSR)



IVF treatments: Stage 1 to Stage 3

In Vitro Fertilisation (IVF) is used to overcome a wide range of fertility issues and for many couples it gives the best chance of having a baby.

We understand that fertility treatment is a significant financial commitment. With this in mind, we have simplified our pricing to make it as easy as possible to plan. You will be invoiced at three key stages in your treatment.

Stage 1: Medication and monitoring

Stage 1 base fees:                                                                         






High plus



Standard medications, blood tests, scans, counselling, doctor review if cycle stopped.

Standard medications include:  

Gonal F; Puregon; Elonva; Ovidrel; Decapeptyl; Orgalutran; Cetrotide; Bemfola.

Not included:

Non-standard medications as listed below

International resident fees - see consultation section

Sedation for IVF with anaesthetist

Donor addition fee applied for egg or sperm donor treatments - please see donor fees details

Egg donor addition $6,270

Extra non-standard medications:

Set dosage:  Menopur or LH addition   $200

Variable dosages: Luveris; Duphaston; Crinone (15 days)

Invoice timingBefore collecting first medications
Payment dueBefore collecting first medications
Refund, if stopped before trigger medication$1,340
Stage 2: egg collection and embryology

Stage 2 base fee: 


What is included?

Standard medication, egg collection, sperm preparation, embryology, embryo freezing, first 6 months of embryo storage, doctor's review if no embryos to use.
Using frozen eggs:
Egg thaw$3,490
Frozen embryo transfer$2,840

Not included:
ICSI sperm microinjection$3,080
Sperm donor addition$1,680
AOA - artificial oocyte activation$460
TiMI time lapse morphometry imaging


PGT-A preimplantation genetic testing: aneuploidy, testing per embryo


PGT-A embryo thaw and refreeze per batch 

$1,670 (additional to PGT-A fee of $1,590)
PGT-A testing only, when an embryo has already been biopsied for PGT-M or PGT-SR  $910
Sedation with an anaesthetist$1,200
PGD or PGS of existing embryosask at clinic
When do I need to pay?

ConsultationDue on the day! If you have insurance, we will provide you with a receipt for your claim.
Ovulation inductionPayment is required before first bloods/scan or when you visit the clinic.
Intra Uterine InseminationPayable prior to the IUI procedure taking place.
IVF Stage 1: drugs and monitoring and/or drugsPayment must be made before you receive your drug pack.
IVF Stage 2: egg collectionDue prior to the egg collection procedure. Remember to allow some time if your egg collection is at the weekend.
IVF Stage 3: embryo transfer/thawed embryo transferDue prior to embryo transfer. Remember to allow some time if your transfer is at the weekend.
TiMI and PGSPayable on receipt of invoice.
Refund, if there are no eggs retrieved at egg collection$3,630

Stage 3: embryo transfer
Stage 3 base fee:                                                                                                             $2,840
What is included?
  • Embryo transfer: fresh or thawed, per single embryo transfer.
  • Standard medications until the pregnancy test.
  • Early pregnancy monitoring, or doctor's review consultation if not pregnant.
  • If thawed embryos: includes blood tests and scans. Scans performed by other providers may incur additional charges.
Not included:
Non-standard medications in early pregnancy
HCG infusion $450
Intralipid transfusion$1,115
Medications (provided by external pharmacy)$20-$60
Medications in early pregnancyAdditional medication, such as Duphaston is invoiced and paid for when it is issued for you. You may also require Utrogestan which is available on prescription and is subject to the usual prescription charges.
When do I need to pay?    
Fresh embryo transferDue before day of transfer. Remember to allow some time if your embryo transfer is at the weekend.
Frozen embryo transferDay 1 of cycle
Refund, if there are no eggs suitable for replacement after thaw$1,300

Ask for more details about our Fertility Cover® package. This gives you three chances to have a baby, with a 70% refund if you are unsuccessful. Since the inception of the programme in 2015, 88% of people starting Fertility Cover® have had a baby.


Non-IVF treatments

Monitored ovulation cycles

Cost per cycle                                                                               Estimated medication costs                                              
Monitored ovulation induction cycle:

(Clomiphene or Letrozole)

$590                             $20 to $60                          
Monitored ovulation induction using gonadotrophins

from $1,650                

$1,000 to $3,000
Not included:
Early pregnancy monitoring$450
Refund, if cycle is stopped before first scan$270
IUI - Intrauterine Insemination
Cost per cycle$2,330$0 to $550
If cycle is stopped after first blood test


What is included?
  • Early pregnancy monitoring
  • One review consultation with a doctor after four cycles of treatment
  • Remember to add the 'sperm donor addition' if you are using donor sperm
Not included:
Sperm donor addition$1,740

Refund, if cycle is stopped before first scan

Payment timings: treatment cycles are invoiced on day 1 of treatment and the account should be paid prior to scan (OI) or insemination (IUI).

Egg freezing

An all-inclusive price that includes all medication, and won't break your budget

First egg freezing cycle

Included:Not included:
  • egg freezing cycle
  • medication used within the cycle
  • pre-cycle talks with a fertility nurse
  • review consultation with a doctor
  • counselling appointment
  • storage for first six months
  • first consultation or initial screening
  • additional treatments outside the egg freezing cycle
  • anaesthetist 
  • interpreter
  • embryology and transfer fees incurred at the time you use your eggs (see below)

Storage fees:

6 months egg storage

12 months egg storage

5 years

10 years

$230 per six months*


$1,290 (prepaid)*

$2,330 (prepaid)*

*Please select the term of storage carefully, as we do not offer a refund should you want to discard.

We also provide a multi-cycle option in case you want to boost the number of eggs you have stored:

Second cycle  $10,500

(20% discount) if you start a second cycle within 3 months of your first cycle egg collection.

Third cycle   $9,190

(30% discount) if you start a third cycle within 3 months of your second cycle egg collection.

If a cycle is stopped prior to egg retrieval there is a fee of $935 plus the cost of medications issued.

The timeframe between egg freezing and embryo transfer varies for each patient and is therefore charged separately. You may also like to factor in the transfer fee for using your eggs in the future:

Embryology $3,490

Embryo transfer $2,840

egg thaw, includes medicationfrozen embryo transfer, includes medication

ICSI  $3,080


Fertility Cover®

Our Fertility Cover® programme gives you three chances to have a baby, with a 70% refund if you are unsuccessful. That’s our Fertility Cover® guarantee. From 2009 when Fertility Cover® began until September 2021, 464 babies were born through the programme.

Age band

Fees, incl gst

Refund amount (70%)

Avg cost

≤ 33

















Family Builder

Family Builder is a specialist IVF treatment package designed to enable patient to bank euploid (an even no. of chromosome) embryo. 

As we age, our eggs get older and sometimes chromosomes don't arrange themselves properly. This means that, especially for those for whom time is limited, Family Builder optimizes the chance of them being able have the no. of children that they want.

We do have two different packages: Family Builder-2 and Family Builder-Plus

AgeFamily Builder 2**Family Builder Plus**
34-35    $35,400     $42,600
36-37    $34,100     $41,400
38-39    $32,200     $37,500
>40    $30,900


**Family Builder includes PGT-A on the required number of embryos to reach target; additional embryos may be biopsied for $910 per embryo. These fees do not include embryo transfer costs.


International patients

Non-residential fee$1,030                                                             
Non-residential fee plus French fertility interpreter$1,580
Resident having overseas TER cycle$2,100

Storage and shipping

Storage of sperm, eggs or embryos                                                                                   
1-6 months                                              $230                                                                                     
12 months$460
5 years (prepaid)$1,290
10 years (prepaid)*


*a refund may apply on the 10 yr storage package only if the full term is not used. Refunds are not applicable for any other storage periods.

Storage of ovarian tissue
6 months$460
Payment                                                  Storage costs will be invoiced and should be paid within 14 days.
Transportation    If you require to transport sperm, eggs or embryos, please contact your nearest clinic.


International shipping

Doctor consultation for shipping                                                                                                    Either a first consultation or a review appointment depending on your unique situation and if screening tests are required. Not required if exporting/importing own gametes$360 or $240                                                                       
Co-ordination of international shippingIf shipping between Australia and New Zealand where no donor gametes are involved.$560
Additional co-ordination feefor countries that have particular regulatory requirements or where donation is involved$940
Approximate additional costs:$2,500 to $5,500
International shipping company fees, which are independent to Fertility Associates. This will vary among companies.
Shipping administration fees for the overseas clinic involved, which is independent to Fertility Associates. This will vary depending on clinics.

Donor treatment fees

Sperm donor addition

Donor fees are in addition to treatment cycle fees. Please use this guide along with the current Treatment Fees (listed above) to understand the costs of a donor treatment cycle.

Cost per cycle*                                                                                                 
What is included?
  • semen analysis (male); 
  • blood tests for infectious diseases; 
  • comprehensive genetic testing (556 genes); 
  • medical consultation(s)
    • egg donors and surrogates receive two medical consultations, one prior to treatment and one following
    • sperm donors receive one medical consultation
  • counselling for the donor; 
  • Medical Director approval;
  • sperm banking
IUI - cycle using clinic or personal sperm donor$1,740
IVF - cycle using clinic or personal sperm donor$1,740
ICSI- (as required)$3,080

Additional donors

A ‘work-up’ fee will apply if you are using a personal egg or sperm donor or surrogate, and would like to screen more than one potential party.

*Donor and surrogacy addition and donor reimbursement fees are charged per cycle, not per donor or per surrogate.

Egg donor addition
            Cost per cycle*                                                                                                                                        
What is included?                         
Donor egg addition fee$6,270
Blood screening of donor, genetic carrier screening, medical and counselling consultation for donor and joint counselling (if applicable)
Not included:
Additional counselling consultations$215
Guaranteed embryo transfer

Guaranteed embryo transfer fee is an optional service available to intending parent(s) using an egg donor. If there are no embryos suitable to transfer, the intending parent(s) receive a refund of $10,000. Eligibility criteria apply - please ask your medical team for more information.

Donor reimbursement fee

A fee will also apply for if a potential egg donor does not continue to treatment after screening.


IVF Treatment fees

Shipping logistics if the donors is located at a different clinic

Genetic screening for male recipient (if applicable)

*Costs are per cycle and are additional to IVF treatment fees.

Fertility Associates Egg Bank

FA egg bank donor 


Important note:  By law, applications to ECART are required where
  • both a donor egg and donor sperm are to be used together;
  • a donor is a close family member; 
  • a donor embryo is to be used; or 
  • planned surrogacy; 

Please see our Fees for Ethics Applications and talk to a Fertility Counsellor.

Use of donor eggs - recruitment, preparation and donor cycle.

Embryo creation and ICSI

Donor reimbursement.

An individual counselling consultation.

Guarantee embryo to transfer provides at least one viable embryo transfer to $10,000 refund.

Sperm freezing and shipping

recipient preparation, medication and frozen embryo transfer to one transfer cycle.

Shipping of embryo back to recipient clinic



Cost per cycle      
Screening and preparation of potential surrogates, per surrogate screened$3,190
Additional surrogate
Screening and preparation of additional potential surrogates charged per surrogate screened.
Possible extras
If the surrogate does not proceed to embryo transfer a screening fee will apply.

Ethical applications fee (ECART)

Fee includes:  costs to prepare reports, compile documents, submit your application, provide counselling and guide you through the process. All applications to ECART incur an application fee. Even if your treatment is publicly funded, the Ministry of Health does not cover the ECART fee.




All donors, surrogates and intending parent(s), are required to attend at least one counselling consultation. The first counselling consultation for donors and surrogates is included in the donor costs outlined below. Additional counselling consultations are paid by the intending parent(s).

Additional counselling consultations, per consultation, $215.


Payment options

To help with this significant financial commitment, we work to make payment as easy as possible so that you are able to plan your finances.

For IVF treatment, you will be invoiced at each of the three stages. We outline some of the payment options below - you are welcome to use the selection that suits you best at the time of treatment.

Flexible payment options include cash, direct debit and online payment with credit card. We also offer Q Card on interest-free terms. (Fees, criteria and terms apply.) You can find more information about Q Card here.

1 Stage payment

Stage 1: Medication and monitoring are invoiced when you are about to begin your individual treatment plan and must be paid before medication is issued.

Stage 2: For egg collection and embryology, the invoice is due before egg collection. If your egg collection is on a weekend, remember to allow enough time for payment in advance.

Stage 3: For embryo transfer, you will be invoiced on the day of the transfer. Payment is required on the same day, so again, if the transfer is due to take place on a weekend, remember to allow enough time for payment in advance.

2 Pre-payment

You are welcome to pay up-front for Stages 1, 2 & 3, per your estimate. Some people like to do this as it's something less to think about if you are already feeling nervous on the days of egg pick up or embryo transfer. Of course, we will refund any over payment or invoice additional costs at the end of your treatment cycle.

3 Fertility Cover®

Pay a single up-front fee for up to three cycles of IVF over an 18-month period. If treatment does not result in a live birth after the three cycles, you will receive a 70% refund. You can find the details here or speak to the clinic for more details.

Important to note:

Prices are in NZ dollars and include gst. Prices are subject to change without notice (although your treatment quote is usually held for a month).

  • Payment can be made by cash, direct debit, online payment with credit card or Q Card.
  • The chance of pregnancy is dependent on many factors. There is no refund if you do not become pregnant unless you have the Fertility Cover® option (see above).
  • Medications cannot be refunded once they have been issued to you.

Ready to start your fertility journey?

Book a free 20 minute phone consultation with one of our expert fertility nurses.

Book now

The Biological Clock

This tool indicates:

  • Natural conception per month if you have no fertility issues
  • IVF success rate at the same age
  • When to seek help after months of unsuccessful attempts

If you are concerned at any stage – we recommend booking a doctor appointment or a free nurse consultation. The sooner you make a plan the better your chances in the long term.

When to seek advice early

  • If you have polycystic ovaries, endometriosis, or have been through a cancer diagnosis; we recommend you get in touch quickly so we can talk you through all your options and give you the greatest possible chance of success.
  • If you’re a single woman considering motherhood in the future; it’s best to approach us early and consider egg freezing as this can be an option for you while you have a higher ovarian reserve and healthier eggs.
Set your age and the months you’ve been trying to conceive
Your chance of having a baby per month for fertile couples
Your chance of having a baby per IVF cycle (if experiencing infertility)

Body Mass Index calculator

Being overweight or underweight can reduce fertility, so it is important to keep your body weight within the normal healthy range.

Body Mass Index (BMI) is an indication of your body weight and can be calculated by dividing weight by height. You should aim for a BMI of between 20 and 25, as this will optimise your chances of conception.

Woman’s BMI below 19

Even in these modern times, nature knows best. If a woman's BMI falls below 19, the body senses famine and ovulation is switched off to prevent the risk of having a baby with malnutrition. Excessive exercise can reduce body fat and increase muscle mass to a point where periods cease for the same reason. Risk of miscarriage is also increased in women with a low BMI.

Being underweight

If a woman's BMI falls below 19, the body senses famine and ovulation is switched off to prevent the risk of having a baby with malnutrition. Excessive exercise can reduce body fat and increase muscle mass to a point where periods cease for the same reason. Risk of miscarriage is also increased in women with a low BMI.

BMI’s greater than 30

This can reduce fertility by 50%. Pregnancy for women with a 30+ BMI is often associated with problems such as maternal diabetes, high blood pressure, big babies and increased risk of caesarean section.

Add your height and weight to calculate your BMI